
Healthy research bites-videos

Skin – Gut Connection     

Skin – Gut Connection                            We know that sunlight has powerful benefits on our health and researchers from Canada are adding even more highlights. They tested how the microbiota gets affected after receiving narrow-band ultraviolet light and they found that obviously it increased vitamin D levels, but the most interesting part is that it also

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Mother’s Vitamin D and Babies Brain Development

Vitamin D, the sun vitamin, is essential for human health Researchers are showing us how important it is for pregnant females and their children’s brain development. Different studies have shown that deficiencies of vitamin D during the different trimesters of the pregnancy can bring undesired outcomes for the offspring: Deficiency during the first trimester correlated

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Preventing Lower Back Injuries with Hip Extensors Training

Effects of a Hip Extensors Program on Lower Back Injuries. Clinical experience has shown me the importance of in-season strength training for athletes, and scientists from Spain and New Zealand reach the same conclusion. Researchers focused their efforts on finding out the effects of injury incidence by strengthening the gluteal muscles twice per week during

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