Sleep & Eating Behavior

Sleep & Eating Behavior

For years I’ve been mentioning the importance of sleep for quality of life, and even though this research was done in mice, clinical experience corroborates its application in humans.

Researchers from Switzerland found that during Rapid Eye Movement, or REM sleep, the activation or inactivation of specific neurons in the hypothalamus, determines the eating behavior of the animals.

When the activity of those neurons was suppressed, the animals consumed less food. Translated to humans, during REM sleep, those neurons naturally decrease their activity.

Getting high-quality sleep every night is crucial to achieve your fitness goals.



Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Aug 11;117(32):19590-19598. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1921909117.Epub 2020 Jul 30.

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