My specialized and advanced classes give you knowledge you won't find anywhere else.
Going from personal trainer to an elite athlete coach is a journey that demands dedication, passion, and ongoing self-education.
Investing in specialized courses and staying up to date enhances your coaching skills and ensures that your athletes receive the best possible training to achieve their goals. It also ensures that YOU receive the best possible clients, business connections, and skills to increase your coaching capacity and income bracket.
That's why staying up to date with the latest trends and discoveries is not just an advantage, but a necessity if you're seeking excellence in the world of sports.
Here are ALL the TOOLS to become THE COACH that ALL ATHLETES are LOOKING FOR
You're in the best place to learn how to CREATE A CHAMPION.
You want to be the standout coach but:
The effectiveness of your training methods and your reputation as a professional are often questioned
You lose clients to other coaches or feel like you are stagnant
You aren’t able to/haven’t been able to get your athletes to reach their full potential, or even come close
As a coach for elite athletes, I am aware of the unique challenges you will consistently face.
The pressure to win competitions and get your athletes onto the podium is enormous. You must always be one step ahead, anticipating the strategies needed to take your athletes to that next level in their career.
Then there is the added pressure of being a constant source of inspiration and leadership for your athletes. And, of course, you must stand out amongst the competition to attract the best athletes, prove your worth, and open yourself up to new professional opportunities.
Finally, you must do all of this while ensuring your athletes don’t get injured and consistently feel and perform at their highest level.
Do you know EXACTLY how your career will benefit if you use innovative and effective techniques? We do.
Become educated in accurate and effective trainee testing methods.
Innovate with the most accurate and optimal training programs.
Recognise the small details and make necessary changes on the spot.
Become recognized as an innovative and proactive coach.
Build up your reputation and strengthen your position within the industry.
Build relationships with other sports professionals, and get invited to participate in conferences and events.
Become sought out as a mentor.
Publish your knowledge.
All of this will enable your athletes to outperform their competition, succeed in their sport, and ultimately achieve their dreams, while you achieve yours.
Are you ready for radical self-improvement?
Achieve extraordinary results with your athletes

In just 5 days, you´ll learn:
- Design personalized training programs based on science and experience, maximizing each athlete's unique potential.
- Optimize athletic performance by implementing tactics to increase power, explosiveness, speed, agility, and endurance.
- Minimize the risk of injury by creating preventative workouts that protect your athletes' physical health, allowing them to train with confidence and reach new heights.
- Become an expert in strength training, raising your knowledge and skills to the level of the best professionals in the world.
An exclusive group dinner with your coaches Carlos Castro & Pierre Roy, and some of the best coaches in the world who are flying in specifically for this event.
The secret of sporting success lives in your hands
Get your athletes to master the strength qualities they need for their sport, ranging from Power and Speed to endurance by meeting me in Halmstad, Sweden, this August.
AUG. 14-18
We only have a few spaces left . . .
So sign up now or join the waiting list for next year.
AUG. 14-15
Power is an essential requirement for a large number of sports – upper and lower body dominant – but developing power is a complex task.
The most efficient way to develop power is by doing variations of the Olympic lifts. The correct technique on these lifts will ensure the proper power expression needed for athletic performance.
Weightlifting coach legend and mentor of world-renowned strength coaches – Pierre Roy – will teach this excellent class where you’ll learn how to perform and teach the different Olympic lift variations in a matter of minutes to get the perfect technique.
Pierre’s coaching capabilities are so proficient that you could learn to correctly perform an Olympic lift or variation in as little as 20 minutes.
Pierre will also take you through his research of the Olympic lifting sport, presenting different periodization, loading models, and experiences from the most successful teams in the world.
AUG. 16-18
Training athletes is an entirely different game; producing medalists in important competitions is even more challenging.
In the Athletic Performance Class, you’ll learn advanced testing techniques required for sports, together with medical tests and the use of Metabolic Balance to monitor their progress, and how to take action on your findings to ensure proper athletic development.
I’ll explain strength norms and ratios, how to test them, and which factors can influence the results.
I’ll address short--, mid- and long-term periodization models to develop the strength for different types of sports and how to peak for competition.
This is a hands-on class where the students will experience the testing and different training methods to improve the findings, and it is a must if you want to produce results in the athletic field.
Eleiko Sports Center · Klastorpsvägen 18 · 302 62 · Halmstad, Sweden
This is what my students think about the benefits my classes offer them:

Amazing environment, great environment and the best mentor. @martinberanekk
I doubled my income in just 3 months after attending the seminars @alenadxbfit
Great community, tons of knowledge, lot of fantastic people and athletes as well! @nemanja_fit
My training, nutrition, and everything could not be going better; I appreciate you. I’m learner, bigger, and am in far less pain. – Christopher Rombola
I can certainly say that my athletic career is divided in two: before, and after training with Carlos. – Santiago Lopez
Forever grateful for Carlos and looking forward to learning from him again very soon. – Estevan Archuleta
Ever since working with Carlos, my competitive track record has never been so good. I owe a big part of my success in the ring to Carlos and the rest is history. Thank you Carlos. - Georges Galarregui