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High-Intensity Interval Training

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Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

Guest Blog Article by Antonis Kakaniaris: I was first introduced to red light therapy in 2017/2018 by Charles Poliquin when he was testing & using the panels from Joov I remember doing some quick research on the topic but the prices were too high and there was no EU ...
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The Effects of Sleep Deprivation-Strength Community

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Negative Consequences of Sleep Deprivation A lack of sleep has serious negative consequences for our body's physiological and metabolic processes. It leads to numerous health and performance problems, such as disruptions in blood sugar regulation, which increases the risk of obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. This is due ...
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Role of Epigenetics

Role of Epigenetics

Is it All About Genetics? The Role of Genetics in Health Genes often get blamed for causing disorders within the body, which, unfortunately, is something that affects millions of people worldwide. We often point to "bad genes" as the culprit when we aren't happy with what's happening inside our bodies. ...
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Being a Healthier Mom

Being a Healthier Mom

Guest blog by Nemanja Sutanovac After a friend's suggestion, Violeta scheduled a meeting with me to review her condition and goals. At that time, at the age of 52, and after many attempts, in vitro fertilization, and the stress that accompanies it all, Violeta had a second baby and came ...
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Digestive Enzymes Their Role in Health

Digestive Enzymes and Their Role in Health

Digestive Enzymes and Their Role in Health Digestive enzymes are one of the most crucial elements that help digest your food. They work together with HCl to ensure that the food you consume can be absorbed. Your food contains a complex structure that your gut cannot absorb easily. The three ...
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Decoding the Hunger Dilemma Regain Control and Make Healthier Choices

Decoding the Hunger Dilemma: Regain Control and Make Healthier Choices

DECODING THE HUNGER DILEMMA: REGAINING CONTROL AND MAKING BETTER CHOICES Introduction: Have you ever felt caught in a whirlwind of conflicting voices about how you deal with hunger? Me: I'm hungry!Inner voice #1: Eat!Inner voice #2: Or maybe not???Inner voice #3: EAT!Me: ... [slight panic attack] The battle between "eat ...
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Gallbladder Function: The Science Behind Exercise and Nutrition

Optimizing Gallbladder Function: The Science Behind Exercise and Nutrition

Gallbladder plays a crucial role in health and disease. Diet and exercise are perhaps the most important elements that help improve gallbladder function. Here is how exercise and diet influence gallbladder function. Role of Exercise 1. Effects on Gallstones: Research suggests a direct link between regular exercise and gallbladder health. ...
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The Crucial Role of the Gallbladder in Maintaining Health and Managing Disease

The Crucial Role of the Gallbladder in Maintaining Health and Managing Disease

What is the Gallbladder? The gallbladder is a small sac that sits under the liver. You might think that gallbladder does not do much but it has a crucial role in health and disease. According to some estimates, more than 20% of Americans develop some kind of gallbladder problem, with ...
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The Turkey Experience_Strategies for a Healthy Life while Traveling

The Turkey Experience: Strategies for a Healthy Life while Traveling

The Turkey Experience No, I was not teaching in Turkey. I was on vacation with my wife. So, in this article, I'm not going to talk about training or classes, but I'll discuss different strategies to stay healthy and eat right while traveling. Aliona and I decided to go to ...
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Exploring the Dominican Republic: Insights, Fitness, and Culinary Delights

Exploring the Dominican Republic: Insights, Fitness, and Culinary Delights

  The Dominican Experience The Dominican Republic has always been very close to my heart. I have very good friends there with whom I enjoy and share different subjects and experiences. The weather invites me to enjoy their fantastic atmosphere, the food is great, I have unforgettable memories from other ...
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To Use or Not to Use a Constant Glucose Monitor

To Use or Not to Use a Constant Glucose Monitor

My Experience with a Constant Glucose Monitor  To Use or Not to Use a Constant Glucose Monitor Measuring blood glucose has been around for a very long time, using those devices where you have to prick your fingertip, get a drop of blood, and put it on the testing stripe. ...
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The Art of Recycling Training Programs

The Art of Recycling Training Programs

If you've been training people for a long time, you know that the number of training programs you can use is limited, and at some point, you end up running out of ideas, so what should you do at this point? If you identify yourself with this situation, you are ...
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The Inspiring Journey of Nikos from 108 to 89 kg Without Exercise

From 108kg to 89kg: The Amazing Weight Loss Story of Nikos Without Exercise

Nikos - An ordinary man's transformation Nikos' girlfriend at that time (December 2020) was a very good friend of mine, so when she asked me if I could help him lose some fat, I happily agreed to do my best. When I first met Nikos, it was obvious that he ...
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Arturo Salas Jiu-Jitsu Champion

Arturo Salas Grappling World Champion

Thanks to his dedication and coaching skills, Aarón Garcia, a student of the Strength Community, made Arturo Salas a World Champion in Grappling, who displayed exceptional levels of physical fitness and strength. Guest blog by Aarón García Let me tell you something about Arturo. First things first, Arturo is the ...
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The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The Importance of a Healthy Gut. The human gastrointestinal system is one of the body's most complicated and crucial structures. Its role in human health and disease extends far beyond food digestion. But what is the gastrointestinal system? The gastrointestinal system comprises the alimentary canal (which includes your esophagus, stomach, ...
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L-Carnitina-Strength Community

Carnitine – Different Types and What Do They Do?

Carnitine - Different Types and What Do They Do? Carnitine is a compound that helps in energy generation in the body. It is present in almost all body cells but most abundant in muscles, the brain, the liver, and the kidneys. The natural food sources of carnitine include red meat, ...
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Strength Coach Medalist in World Championship

BJJ World Champion – The Comeback of the Year

BJJ World Champion - The Comeback of the Year Expert coach in preparation for Olympic competitions A series of injuries kept Hind Charifi away from her sport, Brazilian Jiujitsu, for about a year. This is the story of how we did her recovery process, together with her training, to go ...
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Athletic Performance

Carnosine for Enhanced Performance & Recovery

What is Carnosine? Carnosine is a protein-building block. It is a dipeptide and consists of two amino acids- beta-alanine and histidine. It plays several crucial functions in the body and is found in the muscles, brain, heart, and other body organs. Carnosine mainly comes from animal sources such as beef, ...
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Vince Gironda

Revisiting Gironda

Vince Gironda, from the golden era of bodybuilding, was, and probably is still considered The Iron Guru. His knowledge, tricks, techniques, and innovations, primarily based on experimentation, are still applied today and will probably stay around for years to come, for a simple reason; they work! Even Arnold was trained ...
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Vitamin D

The Impressive Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol or cholecalciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that the human body can produce on its own. Your skin contains a type of cholesterol called 7-dehydrocholesterol that takes energy from the sun and converts it to vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 goes through the liver and kidneys ...
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Athletic Performance & Developing Power for Sports

The ELEIKO Experience

I've always been a huge fan, user, promoter, and advocate of Eleiko and Sweden is one of my favorite countries in the world, so teaching at the Eleiko headquarters in Halmstad - Sweden was like a dream come true.   I have always admired Sweden for the level of education ...
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Omega 3

Can Omega-3 Save You From Brain Damage?

Guest blog by Designs for Health Study demonstrates omega-3 supplementation attenuates microglial activation and inflammatory response from traumatic brain injury   The treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a clinical challenge. Medical treatments for post-concussion symptoms have consisted mainly of opiates for headaches, anti-depressants, anti-nauseas, anti-vertigo, stimulants, ...
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Pyrros Dimas

How to Prepare for a Great Training Session – Part 4

On parts 1, 2 and 3 we discussed the planning of the training program, pre-training food and pre-training supplements, respectively. On part 4, I will discuss some uplifting motivation.   And this brings me back to the times when I was working at Prentiss Hockey Performance. Ben and I were ...
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Resveratrol & Its Many Health Benefits

Guest blog by Designs for Health Resveratrol helps to improve arterial stiffness and reduce oxidative damage in diabetics   Resveratrol is a polyphenol with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  It has been widely publicized for its cardiovascular health benefits; however, there are few human studies in patients with atherosclerogenic diseases. ...
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Pre-Train Supplements

How to Prepare for a Great Training Session – Part 3

In part one I talked about The Training Program, on the part 2 I discussed about Pre-Training Food, and now it's time to address Pre-Workout Supplements   In general, when talking about pre-training supplements, you have two main options. The supplements that are meant to increase neural drive and focus, ...
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Fish Oil

Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Blood Flow and Cognition

A recent study demonstrates omega-3 fatty acids increase blood flow to regions of the brain associated with cognition Guest Blog by Designs For Health   According to a recent study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, by using neuroimaging, researchers were able to demonstrate increased blood flow in regions ...
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Mountain of Meat Breakfast

How to Prepare for a Great Training Session – Part 2

How to Prepare for a Great Training Session - Pre-Training Food   In the first part of these series, I talked about the training program, planning and measuring. On the second part of this article, I will address the subject of pre-training food.   The subject of food is a little ...
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Zinc and Immune System

Zinc Deficiency, Immune Response & Inflammation

A guest Blog by Designs for Health Zinc is where it's at! Zinc has a long history known as the mineral of the immune system. New research from Oregon State University demonstrated that it appears to affect how the immune system responds to inflammation. A zinc deficiency may play a role ...
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Training Planning

How to Prepare for a Great Training Session – Part 1

How to Prepare for a Great Training Session - The Training Program   This is a multi-series article, and in every post, I’ll address a different point on how to prepare for a great training session.   Winston Churchill is credited with the expression “who fails to plan is planning ...
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Gut Health

Gut Bacteria and Obesity – Feeding the Microbiota

Guest Blog by Designs for Health New study demonstrates how gut bacteria causes obesity According to a new study published in Nature, a research team from Yale has identified the mechanism in which gut dysbiosis leads to obesity. Scientists have already understood that the gut microbiome is associated with metabolic ...
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Victor Squat

The Russian Squat System

The Russian Squat System   Soviets were well known for producing impressive results on Weightlifting, and their performance at the Olympic games was absolutely outstanding. They were also well known for their devotion to strength training research with a large number of publications on different subjects, including the implementation of ...
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Vitamin D and Fish Oil Control Brain Serotonin

A Guest Blog by Designs for Health Fish Oil and Vitamin D - The Serotonin Power Team Many studies have demonstrated that fish oils and vitamin D help improve cognitive function, but what exactly is the mechanism of action? In an article just published in FASEB Journal, serotonin is described as ...
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Carbohydrate Addiction: The Brain Connection

Guest blog by Designs for Health High-carbohydrate foods are rewarding to the mouth Biting into a glazed donut, with the subtle crunch of the sugar coating giving way to soft, pillowy dough underneath, can instantly transform a mind-numbing work meeting into a temporary visit to one’s proverbial “happy place.” (That ...
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The Myths of Calories & Weight Management: Part 2

Guest Blog by Designs for Health Previously we discussed the importance of moving an individual’s paradigm away from calorie quantity and toward calorie quality in the battle against obesity. Re-educating individuals about the metabolic differences between protein fat and carbohydrates in regards to obesity will give them confidence to abandon ...
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The Myths of Calories, Part 1

A guest blog by Designs for Health There is more to weight management than just "Calories In, Calories Out" “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Though highly debatable, the general premise of this well-known and oft quoted cliché is that it is hard to break old habits and ...
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Power Breakfast

Power Breakfast!

It is easier to win the day if you make the right choices for breakfast. As my mentor used to say, “The first thing you put in your mouth in the morning… provided it is food… dictates all neurotransmitters for the whole day.” When working with clients ranging from world ...
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HCl, stomach acid, digest, absorb

HCl: You Are Not What You Eat, But What You Absorb!

We’ve always been told that we are what we eat. But if you go a bit further, you’ll understand that we are actually what we absorb. Nowadays we have much less nutrients inside our cells than our grandparents. Modern agricultural systems and lower stomach acid levels (HCl) are two of ...
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A Test Drive to Sarcoplasm Stimulating Training

Part of my philosophy on training, and other aspects of life, is to keep eyes and mind wide opened, and be willing to try new findings, and that includes Sarcoplasm Stimulating Training for hypertrophy and muscle pump. Because of this, I found a training program in the Journal Frontiers of ...
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Warm-Up: The Ultimate Guide

What is warm-up? Warm-up is extremely simple. Stay away from people who overcomplicate things … the typical wannabe coach will prescribe moronic routines consisting of 10 minutes of carioca drills supersetted with humping a foam roller for hours on end. This set-up is more likely to earn you a restraining ...
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vertical jump

Boost Your Vertical Jump

The vertical jump is one of the hallmarks of athleticism. It is used to test an athlete’s ability and discriminate those with great potential from those with… not so much potential. So, it comes as no surprise that much energy and thought has been given on ways to improve it. ...
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Excel Overhead Press

Considerations to Excel at the Overhead Press

Of all the lifts, the overhead press and its many variants have to be the most misunderstood and, sadly, underutilized. Yet, it is a very powerful tool to use in your arsenal for shoulder, traps and triceps hypertrophy, athletic performance and, believe it or not, shoulder health. Back in the ...
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Dietary Cholesterol & Health

Dietary Cholesterol & Health

Anyone with even a passing interest in nutrition knows that any number of topics can stir up emotions. One of the worst offenders is cholesterol. Although pretty much every one knows of cholesterol, few actually know what cholesterol is and what role it plays in the body. It’s high time ...
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