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High-Intensity Interval Training

HITT is a powerful tool for coaches, trainers, and trainees when prescribed correctly.

Heavy Duty Body Composition

Metabolic conditioning is all the rage right now, from Crossfit to more ancient, traditional methods of fat loss. This is nothing new, as many athletes have used different methods ranging from bodyweight exercises to exercises using kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells and other tools to improve their conditioning and body composition. The ...
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How To Eat Healthy 101

How To Eat Healthy 101

A 2012 study found that 52% of Americans felt that doing their taxes was easier than figuring out how to eat healthy. This begs the question: is it that hard to eat healthy? Well, the environment definitely makes it harder! Healthy food is expensive. Plus unhealthy food is ubiquitous. It ...
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What Is The Most Anabolic Meal?

What Is The Most Anabolic Meal?

As iron addicts, we eat to build mass. But food is many things, depending on who you ask: fuel for energy, building blocks for the body, comfort for the mind and soul. It seems everyone has their idea of what food is and popular diets have flocks of believers who ...
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A Guide To Aging Strong & Healthy

A Guide To Aging Strong & Healthy

Aging is a fact of life. However growing old is a matter of choice. Although aging is still a process we know precious little about, a growing body of science is devoted to it, because the age pyramid seems to be inverted. As such, it has become a growing social ...
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Brain Aging

Exercise & Brain Aging

A guest Blog by Designs for Health Despite decades of advice to increase physical activity for the purpose of “burning calories” to aid in weight loss, millions of people conducting their own “n=1” experiments have found that exercise does not result in magical body fat loss. Lack of expected results ...
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Health Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

The Health Benefits Of A Low-Carb Diet

Guest blog by Designs For Health Ever since Dr. Robert Atkins came out with his first low-carb diet book in 1972, carbohydrate restriction has been a slam dunk for weight loss. In those early years, however, that impressive weight loss was often accompanied by fears that even though health appeared ...
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The Strength Deficit Formula Will Help you Decide Between

Practical Application of the Strength Deficit

Do Your Suffer from a Strength Deficit? Specific performance demand specific types of strength. They are a necessity to grow. A strength deficit can hamper your gains in muscle mass or strength. What is a strength deficit? It refers to the ratio between concentric and eccentric strength. Essentially, an eccentric ...
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Hamstring Exercises

3 Plateau-Busting Solutions for Hamstrings

Boost Your Hamstring Development: 3 Effective Solutions to Break Plateaus Hamstrings, often overlooked in the muscle-building realm, are the Rodney Dangerfield of the fitness world—they don't get the respect they deserve. Located at the back of the legs, they face two challenges in the pursuit of leg training: being less ...
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