After successfully rehabbing dozens of patients, I put together bases, principles, and multiple and ready to apply tools, that make any rehabilitation process safer, faster, and efficacious.


At some point during our careers as strength coaches or trainers, we end up facing rehab cases, and the successful outcome of them will make our names in the field.

The first time I had to face a serious rehab case, I only had the knowledge from all the strength training classes, and I have to say, it was really hard.

There were no classes on the market that would teach how to address a complex injury and post-surgical recovery.

This is why this class came to life I do believe it is important to share the principles of a proper rehab process in the gym, along with the strategies that will ensure a successful and prompt outcome of the rehabilitation process.

Having successfully rehabbed dozens of patients in virtually every joint in the human body, from neck to toes, and facing extremely complicated cases, like my mentor’s full patellar torn, vertebrate fractures, partially torn tendons, dysfunctional lower backs, and dislocated shoulders, amongst others

I designed this class to give you not only the bases and principles but multiple and ready to apply tools, that will make any rehabilitation process safer, faster, and efficacious.

Your outcome

You will be able to safely and effectively rehab people after surgeries, fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, muscle tears, tendon problems including tennis elbow, golf elbow, lower back injury, tendonitis, tendinosis, neck issues, jumper knee, runner knee, amongst others.


  • Bases and principles for effective rehab processes
  • Multiple and ready to apply tools will make any rehabilitation process safer, faster, and more efficacious.
  • The most common injuries are in the upper extremities, trunk, and lower extremities.
  • The corresponding tests for the different joints and muscles in order to find the cause of the problem
  • Strength training exercises to correct the problems found and their progressions.
  • Flexibility exercises to correct movement restrictions.
  • The most important supplements to improve the recovery process.

Course Instructor:
Carlos Castro

Duration of the course material:

  • 2 days in-person
  • 8 hours each day


Anatomy for trainers (included in the price)

It is highly recommended to attend Instant Strength & Mobility and Structural Assessment before attending this class, as most of the teachings and testing from those classes can be applied to rehab.


Montenegro - Strenght Training Class
Podgorica - Montenegro


Bemax Arena
Ulica Svetlane Kane Radević
Class Hours: 9:00 to 17:00

MAR. 29-30 Effective Rehab
Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo- Dominican Republic


In Shape

Class Hours: 10:00 to 18:00

MAY. 28-29 Effective Rehab


For Whom?

  • Personal trainers
  • Strength coaches
  • Athletes
  • Physiotherapists

Modules/ lessons/ topic

Day 1
10:00 – 10:50: Principles for an Effective Rehab
11:00 – 11:50: Functional testing
11:40 – 12:30: Loading parameters
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00: Neck rehab (theory and practice)
15:10 – 16:00: Shoulders rehab (theory and practice)
16:15 – 17:00: Elbow rehab (theory and practice)
17:10 – 18:00: Wrist rehab (theory and practice)

Day 2
10:00 – 10:50: Lower back rehab (theory and practice)
11:00 – 11:50: Lower back rehab (theory and practice)
11:40 – 12:30: Hips rehab (theory and practice)
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00: Knees rehab (theory and practice)
15:10 – 16:00: Knees rehab (theory and practice)
16:15 – 17:00: Ankle rehab (theory and practice)
17:10 – 18:00: Q&A

Note: all the times are approximate and they can change according to the development of the class

Included in Product

  • Anatomy for Trainers
  • 2-day in-person class
  • Application of testing
  • Application of techniques
  • Access to the private Facebook group


Earn a certificate upon completion of the course.


Nemanja Sutanovac

“Ready to use Guasha, the most powerful for a lot of pains, injury, flexibility issues, strength, and rehab!”


Roman Gritsanjuk

“New course where I’ve learned the principles of a proper rehab process in the gym, along with the strategies that will ensure a successful rehabilitation process”

Martin Beranek

“3 years of career at the university were put together by Carlos in 2 days, going more in depth with the causes, the way to fix the problems, and real-life results”


To start the course

Follow the link to make the payment via PayPal or credit card
After you complete the payment you’ll receive the confirmation email

Upcoming Classes

Montenegro - Strenght Training Class


Date: March 21-30

Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo

Date: May 20 - Jun. 1

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